imp shit

Thursday, December 2, 2010

lion king 4

mean, "special effects". Also ther has been talk of rasicsm going on with all the lions and other characters doing rather "white" voices as the hyena doning "black" and hispanic, where hyens are shown in lower class, here I think that Disney intended no such thing though. Also some were angry at the fact that Hyenas, were portrayed as dumb and clumbsy, which they arent in real life.

I did enjoy this film and see it as one of DIsney's best films and is a timeless classic. I do agree with the theme that a person should follow their destiny and go against all odds and obstacles. However, I did not like all the hysteria of te so called, "vulgar" and "obscene" events which were never intended. The directors, voice actors, wroters, and musical composers did a wonderful team effort in creating such a good film. The film is good as it is and there are not much draw backs here.

eliminate one and becomes king. Simba runs away from fear and guilt. He goes to a jungle and meets some friends which show them their ways of life. He adapts and forgets about his former life. When a childhood friends appears, it triggers the concept that he must take back his thrown. He reflects on what has happend in his past life and tries to fight his fears.

After many events Simba decides to take back what belongs to him. Here the Pride Lands are a wasteland and the Circle of Life is failing. Scar has no care and cares for only him self. Here Simba arrives much to Scar's surprise, friend sand family also join the fight to take back the Pride Lands. As I aged, I noticed some things, during the scene, "be Prepared", it emulates Hitlers speeches and his soldiers doing the goose-walk march saluting him to his cause. Also when Simba wallows on a cliff-side, dust goes to the sky to form the letters, "S.F.X" some people missinterpreted it and replaced the "F" with an "E". But the SFX is supposed to

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Through these chains of events, Scar purpatrates one of the most notorious scenes and becomes a major threat and obstacle for Simba.

This film was directed by both Rodger Allers and Rob Minkoff. The films has voice talents by Mathhew Broderick, Andreas Deja, and Johnathan Roberts. There are also many other voice talents and also extras for the singing scenes but every person who par took did and excellent job on making this film. THe film begins with many animals ni Africa gathering at a rock structure where the Baboon Rafiki, Mufasa, and his lioness, Sarabi, gathering to the tip of a rock. Here he raises a cub which is obviously from Mufasi and Sarabi. This is where the new cub, Simba, must furfill in his destiny to become future King and rule the Pride Lands just as those before him.

Through later scenes, the antagonist is shown who is Simba's uncle Scar. HE wants to be on the thrown so he plans to assassinate both Mufasa and Simba and become king, more of a tyrant actually. He does

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In the famous animation, The Lion KIng, is basically a movie everyone has watched and loved. The entire flick was funny and quirky with good elements surely to take some sadness away. Yet it does have some scenes which were morbid and were left as unforgetable. THe film never gets boring and one could watch it several times. This was one of the best animated films by Disney and also spanwed other great titles into the franchise. However, with all great things is controversy and some were spread out in the film.

The basic premise of The Lion King is dethrownment and furfilling one's legacy. Here in a savannah, a Lion Mufasa rules the land watching over all who lives there to ensure the "circle of life" remains in good balance. He and his lioness have conceived a male cub who is destined to take his place one day. Then the main antagonist, Mufasa's brother Scar, is jealous and wishes to take the thrown. So when Simba runs free in the wild, Mufasa sets out to find him, with a hidden Scar lurking by.

eslr 4

present are important concpets and they provide an insight on how what qualities a person should have to be a productive person. Not only does this apply to school but also beyond. It is very important to get a grasp on the ESLRs as careers or any job ahead revolve on these conecpts. Even in normal daily things, these qualities can be expressed trhough daily means.

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with other class mates too produce a poster based on a film we have seen in class. One good strength I discovered was that I was able to work among others to complete a task. One draw-back was that I felt that I wasn't being social enough and I could have opened up more and discuss more throughly with my classmates.

A effective communicator socializes in a manner that many associates will understand. I have shown this quality in my Psychology class with a skit performed by me and other class-mates based on the Piaget phases. While brainstorming over the skit, I shared some ideas I had of how we will performs and who has what role. I also openly listened to others on what they had to say and talk about those too. I did quite well on getting a message across to another to do a certain task at hand. However, I did not do so well on being a openly social person and I must break out of a shell to talk to others in new highs and possibly be able to work with anyone and do a good job.

The 4 ESLRs

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big and I get lazy to carry it around. My strength in this is that I bring my required materials to work on my assignments in class.

For complex thinker, it is a person who analyzes information and data, they interpret what it means and thinks about it's significance. My lab from my biology class reflects this ESLR because it shows what I analyzed what took place in the lab and converted it to data. I then interpreted it into results and made a typed pakcet of what I anayzed. My strengths relating to this eslr is that I analyzed all the data I discovered in the lab and wrote it as a packet following certain standards. My weaknesses relating to this is that some of my written work did not did not match up to the format, I can improves upon this but examining more carefully and revising my writings.

Being a collaborative worker involves working with other people to produce a task successfully. I chose my English III, which best represents this with my movie poster project. Here I colllaborated


Do you know what your school expects of you? In my school of Valley View High School, we as students are expected to serve as 4 types of expectations. When we leave and graduate the school. In terms of ESLRs, there is Collaborative worker, Complex Thinker, Effective communicator, and responsible citizen. What I have learned about the ESLR in my 3rd yea5r of school, I am aware that each of the ESLRs apply to all corners in lifeand work. I have proven some good representations of the ESLRs in my classes but I do admit to having some weaknesses that I must work on.

For my ESLR, responsible citizen, I reflected it on my Spanish II class on th eday-to-day things. A responsible citizen is a responsible person and is productive on furfilling the duties within a community. In my Spanish II class, I am required to bring my book and materials every day. I follow this duty by bringing my folder, workbook, and textbook every single day. One weakness I have is that sometimes I do not bring my binder because it is